Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oh, the things people say

1. While I'm standing in line at Sam's Club, with my 4 kids standing/playing next to me, the cashier says with a smile on her face, "Are they all yours?"

2. I took Kate to the doctor, and I didn't have any other kids with me. The lady that checked us in said, "You don't look old enough to have a baby." I laughed and said this was my 4th. I think she was embarrassed and afraid that she offended me; oh no, I'm glad my gray hair isn't giving my age away.


Jennisa said...

Ha ha! I also can't believe that you have 4 kiddos! Crazy how time flies...

I agree too, do look young! You'll be happy about that some day, right?!?! :)

Nicole said...

I must say for someone with 4 children, you do look very young! : ) What great genes! The other day I went to a movie with a friend, also the same age as me, and the cashier asked her why she wasn't going to pay for her Mom's drink! That would be me! Apparently my children have aged me beyond recognition! I love them anyways! Thanks for sharing!