Sunday, May 18, 2008


Can I just say that I really don't like ants. We've had a problem with ants in our family room. They pretty much stayed in one area, but now they're moving to other areas. Last night I was disgusted to find them in my diaper bag. There weren't just a few of them, there were a ton. They were on Kate's extra clothes, the diapers, the burp rag. Gross!! I hope we can get rid of them soon.


Natalie said...

I've got a few ants too, and they're driving me crazy! The kids like to catch them for me... at least someone is enjoying the invasion.

Nicole said...

Buy some ant motels. They check in, but they don't check out! If they are the sweet ants, Tero, works fabulously! You can actually buy little Tero houses for them so the poison doesn't get out to little fingers/pets. Not that you asked for how to get rid of them, but hey! : ) Also, you can buy a powder type stuff that you sprinkle right along the foundation to get them before they come marching in! All I can think of is that song, "The Ants Go Marching!"