Let me get the answers to the most common questions out of the way first...Halle Jo was born on Monday the 17th at 9:08 am. She weighed in at a hefty 4 lbs 13 oz and measured a respectable 17.5" long. Similar to what you see on most basketball rosters, I think the nurse may have been a little generous on both her height and weight (a little exaggeration never hurt anyone right?). I guess if you count the length of her hair in her height she would probably measure out to nearly 19" inches. She is doing fantastic after a couple of minor complications that keep her in the nursery a little longer than we had hoped for. But, luckily, despite her small size, she has overcome those issues and is handling things very well. She is doing fantastic!
Now about Andrea....I feel like I can't accurately tell you how she is doing without providing some background information. Having gone early with all of our other kids, Andrea and I both expected Halle to follow suit and come sometime this week, which would put her between 37 and 38 weeks. So, early Monday morning (around 4:30), Andrea got up with one of the other kids (bless her heart...dad just sleeps right through everything!) and noticed that the baby wasn't moving. She ate something in hopes of getting Halle to move, but nothing happened. So after talking to her doctor, they decided to have her come in and check things out (around 6:30 am). After hooking her up to the fetal monitors for a bit, the doctor noticed that Halle's heart rate was dropping and that the placenta (I hate that word) had stopped doing its job, but Andrea's labor, or lack thereof, wasn't progressing. Much to Andrea's dismay, he ordered up a C-section to be performed as soon as they could numb her up. I got a call from her that said "I need you here now" followed by a phone call 2 seconds later from her doctor telling me what "I need you here now" meant. I walked in the OR just in time for them to start the c-section...about 2 minutes later, Halle was born! So, there's the background...
So how is Andrea you ask? I hesitate to comment on how Andrea is doing because there is really no possible way for me to understand how and what she feels. My first reaction to that question, is that she is doing quite well. But, having never been sliced open like that before, I'm 100% sure that I would grossly underestimate the pain and "discomfort" (to say the least) that she is feeling. But, at the risk of being silently mocked by all of the women who read this that have had a c-section before, I am going to take a stab at it. From my own personal observation, she appears
to be doing fairly well. Since she hasn't had a C-seciton before, she is trying to get used to not being able to move around and do everything for herself like she has done in the past. Not being able to have Halle in her room until today took a toll on her as well. But, once she got to hold Halle last night for the first time, it seemed like everything was just perfect! There is nothing more genuine than seeing a smile from ear to ear on your wife as she holds her baby for the first time. I'll be honest, I was a little worried about Andrea....until I saw that smile. From that point on, despite the pain, I knew that she would be just fine. Anyway....Enjoy the pictures!
congrats you guys! I love her name! So sorry to hear of the complications that you're going through...Thanks for updating and sharing all the photos! She's a doll! Where do your kids get all this hair????
Congrats! She is darling. I have had four C-Sections and the recover for me only last a few days. She can't lift, vacuum, or drive for a few weeks. If you guys need any help, let me know! Amanda would love some play dates!
Wow She is about the same size as josh was (at 33 1/2 weeks) He was 4 lbs. 7oz and 17 3/4 " long. She is just a little bit of a thing.
I'm glad she is doing well, and that Andrea is doing better. Congrats on the new little girl. (Hey Jason, at least you got one boy...I never did get that girl for me!!! But 5 is a great number)
Awesome. I think you should write more often Jason, in fact, Bill Simmons better watch out with the sports commentary thrown into a child birth post... Hmm. Just for the record, I was listed as 6'4" and 190 on my senior year football roster. I graduated at 5'10" and 120 lbs soaking wet and holing a 10 pund dumbbell.
Glad all is well. How bad could being sliced open really be right? With today's technology the hole gets smaller and smaller anyway. (Maybe that will help Andrea recover faster because she will be motivated to pound my face into the grass!)
Congratulations! I'm glad that despite some complications, both Halle & Andrea are doing well now! Please tell Maya hello!
Cute hairy kid : ) Time to update your blog to a prince and 4 Princesses! Love you guys and hope you recover soon.
Little Halle is absolutley beautiful. I am so relieved that everything turned out okay. Congrats to your sweet family! Love you Andrea...
So happy to hear your news. Congratulations! She is darling! Hope everything continues to go well, and your recovery is a quick one.
I LOVE HER!!! Soooo sweet! :) Can't wait to see you guys again!
Jackie Atkisson
Congratulations! Sorry Andrea had to have c-section! I am SOOOO happy you all went in when you did! I love those little peanut babies! That is my favorite size! : ) I am going to try and not be annoying, but I totally think she has Jarren's nose and she resembles Kate quite a bit! So, happy though for you guys! 4 girls!!! Jarren was probably wishing for a puppy or a brother! Let's just say, he's learning well how to deal with women, and early on too! I so wish we lived closer! I really miss you guys some days!
What a doll, just like all of your kids! We hope Andrea is recovering well and Halle Jo continues to grow and improve. Congrats again, and good job Jason on your first blog post!
What a cutie!! Jason you are actually really good at blogging you should do it more often like chad!! Congrats on the new little bundle. Andrea I know how you feel I have had a c section too that sucks they wouldn't let you see her until way later I would of been wiggin!! If you need help with the kids let us know and we would be more than happy to help you out.
Congratulations! I hope everyone is doing well. Maybe someday we'll see you all again :)
Hello Jason and Andrea! I'm Andrea's cousin Jolie. My mom just got back from the Turner family reunion and gave me the blog addresses of some the cousins. I'm so glad to be able to read your blog and get updated on the family. I miss you all. Congratulations on your new little baby. She looks adorable. And I can hardly believe how much the kids have grown since I saw them last. Much love to you all. Jolie
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